Monday, February 13, 2006


According to Mirriam-Webster Online - (girasol) an opal of varying color that gives out fiery reflections in bright light

GiraSoul - When divinely illuminated, an iridescent soul that flares with fiery reflections

Haven't you experienced that?

The moment when it all comes together, nothing seems like it can go God is so totally on your side it almost seems like you have exactly the same plan, the same goal.

And it happens, perfectly...

You're trying to say something really intense and meaningful - and you can't believe that you just said that perfect something, even though you usually stumble over all those words...

You've been asked to do this thing way outside your comfort zone, and it goes off beautifully, even though you still really don't have the faintest clue how it was supposed to really occur - it just all came together...

Truthfully? And most of the time, these things don't. Instead of the perfect something, it's the perfect foot into the mouth (couldn't I have just shut up?!!)...or the fumble, bumble, boy I'm in trouble, couldn't someone just bail me out, type of flop that I wonder why I ever volunteered for in the first place.

But I wish, I wonder, what would it look like to be an iridescent flaring reflection of the Divine Light.
And shouldn't we be?


Blogger Mike Clawson said...

I know exactly what you mean Char. It seems like I'm always struggling to find that perfect way to express all the complex thoughts bouncing around inside my head. So often I feel like I just can't get it out the way I want to. It's all so complex and intricate and beautiful in my mind, but when I try to put it into words to express to others I usually flub it up. It comes out all wrong and no one really seems to get what I'm talking about.

That's what I appreciate the most about some of my favorite authors and preachers (McLaren, Lewis, Campolo, Bell, Lamott, etc). They seem to find the words to express all the things that I want to say but can't.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Spiffy blog :) Can't wait to read what thoughts you are going to post.

9:48 AM  

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