Saturday, August 19, 2006

Catching up!

Well, I am embarrassed to admit that it has been nearly three months since I've blogged.

To catch up with the busy summer: my wonderful nephew Jacob visited for five weeks, my mom Kathy (actually Matt's mom) came for two weeks, we've had two weddings (local) and a funeral (Ohio), went to Boise to see my new nephew mid June for a week, and for two weeks, passed a virus between the kids and I that featured 4-5 days of 104F temperatures. I wonder why I feel like I've had no time to catch up!

So, on the good side of things, lots to talk about:

the Mom's playgroup we started this summer is some 20 moms strong and having fun - our best playdate yet was to a free zoo in Aurora, IL that had a great playground too. Corwin and Angeleah went crazy they were having so much fun...

Had to resign my application to the therapy dog group, too much time was already committed per week and I couldn't add that in without quitting something else or skimping the kid's time. In a few years, Delilah and I will do that. She and I did great and it was a lot of fun, the dog group sent a really nice note letting us know we'd be welcome back anytime.

Had another chance to talk, I plan to post it and the original message. The best (most selfish?) part of getting to do the messages is the intense growth I experience each time I prepare one. How cool it would be to get to do them all the time! (How insane...)

Via Christus is sponsoring a craft booth at hometown days in Yorkville for all of us crafters. Thanks to that encouragement (and deadline) I've actually got my business going finally. While in Ohio for the funeral, I received my first four plate sales!!!

I discovered the voice memo function on my phone and filled it with little ditties I was singing to God in the car and other thoughts. I took one of the ditties, cleaned it up and wrote it down and shared it at God Things at tonight's Via Christus service. I had my usual performance anxiety attack, but tough, I'll get over it eventually if I can just manage to play enough. The song is posted here. You can download the free viewer here. The viewer will play the score for you and the lyrics are on the screen. I'd love comments on how to improve this - it's just a baby and I'd like to see it get finished.

Jacob's visit this year really made huge changes in Corwin. I noticed his conversational skills had taken a sudden leap and he gives so much more interaction in everything. Mostly it centers around the word "Why?" which I think has God laughing hysterically upstairs...I tortured my parents for years with that question. I definitely getting my just desserts. Potty training has begun, paused, gotten frustrated, almost made it and is working on staining our carpet. Can I just say, this stinks! It's all about the bathroom yur in...(hah, hah, get it?)

Angeleah has also leaped forward. Not conversationally, as she still only says 5 or less words somewhat consistently. Her climbing skills have increased dramatically. Earlier this summer we found her on top of the counter. Given that a stool puts her chin just past the counter, we aren't really sure how she got up there... She is determined to climb the indented fingertip drawer pulls of our TV cabinet. Her current best is about halfway up. She loves balancing along curbs and climbs on top of her rocking horse to stand no handed and laugh. She climbs the couch and if I hear too much giggling from the other room I know she has gotten on the back of the couch and is walking back and forth along the wall.

Matt's job has long commutes, but we appreciate the paycheck and stability of the job he's at currently. They also are letting him develop the kind of skills he's been wanting to develop, which is absolutely fabulous.

The church plant is slowly and steadily increasing. We're beginning to have a positive impact on our community through the food drives and the mom's group. May God help us find more ways to really bless others...

So I've posed enough topics, it's been a really busy summer, but really good...


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