Do you ever feel like you go through your life hiding? Hide this thought so as not to upset others. Hide this belief because it might cause others to falter. Hide your thoughts, feelings, inadequacies and hopes because they could create strife and mayhem all around you. I hate hiding. I don't want to do it. Yet again, and again I am forced by sin within my culture to hide or cover over or not mention what is really going on inside me.
The new heaven and the new earth will have no hiding. No envy or jealousy, no one upmanship, no cause to be less than who we were created to become. I think we will still struggle and grow, but be redeemed and without sin, able to grow freely.
I long for this with the tears of many years.
The new heaven and the new earth will have no hiding. No envy or jealousy, no one upmanship, no cause to be less than who we were created to become. I think we will still struggle and grow, but be redeemed and without sin, able to grow freely.
I long for this with the tears of many years.
Do you ever feel like you go through your life hiding?
Yes - though not so much lately....
I'm learning to be much more open. Maybe it comes with age, maybe it's just the new me. Vulnerable, honest, open and who the heck cares if you like me....
But it would be nice to have acceptance in that openness. It would be nice not to be judged for a difference of opinion or way of living etc. That's the problem with openness - it's painful!
I hear ya Char - and I'm right there with you....
Thanks Karen.
I just got burned being open and honest again. It came across wrong. Maybe what I think is open and honest has some underlying message that I haven't owned up to yet. I don't know.
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